Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Softskill - bahasa Inggris

Parallel Construction

6. we could fly, or we could take the train
= we could neither fly nor take a train

9. he can fix dinner for them here, or we can take them a restaurant
= he can fix dinner neither take them a restaurant

HAM di Indonesia

Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) merupakan sesuatu hal yang sudah tertanamkan di diri setiap  manusia sejak lahir di muka bumi. Hak manusia berbagai macam. Ada hak kelayakan hidup, pendidikan, rasa aman, berpendapat, dsb.

Namun, hak manusis sering kali tidak digunakan dengan baik atau tidak dihargai oleh seseorang yang merasa memiliki wewenang berlebih. Seperti mempekerjakan anak di bawah umur dengan tidak layak, tidak menghargai pendapat orang lain, merasa kepentingannya adalah yang harus diutamakan.

Indonesia telah memiliki hokum tentang HAM, namum itu hanya sebatas formalitas. Ini dikarenakan kurang sadarnya setiap individu terhadap penegakkan HAM padahal mereka kelak akan merasakan ketidak adilan hukum HAM.

Hak harus ditegaskan oleh bangsa yang mengendalikan rakyatnya. Karena rakyat akan merasa aman dan damai. Penegakkan HAM  dilakukkan tidak hanya politisi dan organisasi yang bergerak dalam bidang HAM  tetapi juga individu masing-masing yang harus saling menghargai satu dengan yang lainnya.

Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Past Perfect

Past Perfect Tenses 

Rumus Past Perfect Tenses:

Positif : S + had + V3
Negatif : S + had + not + V3
Question : had + S + V3

Contoh kalimat :  (positif)
1. She had called the police before I came
2. I had gone When He arrived at my home
3. I had written 4 articles when you visited my blog.

Contoh kalimat : (negatif)
1. She had not called the police before i came
2. I had not gone when he arrived at my home
3. I had not written 4 articels when you visited my blo.

Contoh kalimat : (Question)
1. had she called the police before i came?
2. Had i gone when he arrived at my home?
3. had I written 4 articels when you visited my blog?

Direct Speech

Direct and indirect speech
6. Direct speech : do you have a car ? "Mark asked me" 
    Indirect speech : Mark asked me if i had a car.
9. Direct speech : do you like spaghetti ? "mother asked me"
    Indirect speech : Mother asked me whether i liked spaghetti.

Direct Speech

Direct and indirect speech
6. Direct speech : do you have a car ? "Mark asked me" 
    Indirect speech : Mark asked me if i had a car.
9. Direct speech : do you like spaghetti ? "mother asked me"
    Indirect speech : Mother asked me whether i liked spaghetti.


Contoh direct and indirect speech (5w 1h dan yes/no question)

1. She asked me, "what is your name?” 
    ~ she asked me what is my name.

2. Lisa asked me, "why you angry?"
    ~ Lisa asked me whether i was angry the day before.